Track Condition Monitoring

Continuous Monitoring of Tracks and Track Assets from In-service Trains

Developed in Collaboration with VR FleetCare

EKE-Electronics, in collaboration with VR FleetCare, have developed a unique solution that uses sensor data from in-service rolling stock to provide monitoring of the condition of track and track assets.

SmartVision Track Condition Monitoring solution is a comprehensive and innovative system designed to address the specific needs of the railway industry. It provides a comprehensive set of functionalities that enable efficient monitoring and defect identification for tracks and track assets.

By leveraging advanced technologies and intelligent algorithms, SmartVision empowers users to gain insights into the condition of their tracks and assets, allowing for proactive maintenance planning and defect mitigation. With this solution, organisations can optimise their maintenance efforts, resulting in improved operational efficiency and reduced downtime.

Employ a data-driven approach, empowering you to make informed decisions based on accurate and reliable information, ensuring optimal maintenance practices and resource allocation.

Added Value from SmartVision Track Condition Monitoring

Customer Experience

Elevate the customer experience by minimising unexpected delays and disruptions. Identify track irregularities early on creating a more pleasant ride for passengers.

Boots Off Ballast

Ensure boots stay off the ballast until you are certain of a problem. Precise problem detection directs teams, minimises track time, and reduces manual inspections.


Detect issues at their earliest stages, enabling timely and precise repairs. Prevent secondary damage and extend the overall life cycle of railway infrastructure.


Increase the life of ballast, reducing the need for frequent replacements and the associated environmental impact. Minimise noise and vibration by identifying potential sources of noise and taking corrective measures.


Detect problems that might otherwise be missed by conventional methods. Access statistically useful measurement data that offers unprecedented insights into the health of your railway infrastructure.


Swiftly detect potential hazards and identify risks at an early stage. Reduce the occurrence of jolts and vibrations to improve ride stability Manage speed restrictions with accurate and up-to-date information on track conditions.

Detection Capabilities of SmartVision Track Condition Monitoring

SmartVision Track Condition Monitoring is engineered to analyse the vibration response from the wheels as they traverse the track, via a comprehensive set of condition indicators. These indicators are specifically designed to detect degradation-related changes within the track and its associated assets.

SmartVision Track Condition Monitoring offers versatile monitoring capabilities for various track assets, including switches/points, insulation joints, rails, and track fragments. 

Fault types detected include:

  • Anomalies in the rail surface, rail support and track bed
  • Height deviations
  • Areas of track causing the bogie to oscillate
  • Rail roughness

Access to results your way!

SmartVision Track Condition Monitoring comes with and easy to use user interface that is accessible via a standard web browser, providing you with the convenience of accessing the system from anywhere at any time.

The interface provides a seamless experience, presenting information at a high level to give you a comprehensive overview of the health status of your assets. For those who require more detailed insights, additional screens are available, allowing for in-depth data review and analysis.

Looking to integrate with SmartVision? We can discuss a tailor-made solution that caters to the specific interface requirements of each customer. By combining SmartVision with your current tools, you can streamline operations, improve data analytics, and maximise the value of your digital ecosystem. 


Open data policy

At EKE-Electronics, we believe in the power of collaboration and transparency. That’s why we have implemented an open data policy, ensuring that you have access to the measured data through the intuitive SmartVision user interface. This allows you to download the data and perform further analysis using your preferred tools, empowering you with even more extensive insights.

Onboard Data Acquisition

Data collection is performed by Televic Rail’s industry leading COSAMIRA sensor gateway, equipped with signal processing software developed by EKE. It contains a central configurable processing and storage unit, and inertial measurement sensors.

The sensor gateway is installed on one bogie and performs continuous measurement of the track and movements of the bogie. It sends data of detected anomalies, as well as from defined track elements, to the SmartVision™ cloud via wireless data transmission for further analysis.

The SmartVision™ Track Condition Monitoring system is made up of a standard configuration of:

Sensor Gateway





No GPS? No Problem

We have a number of train positioning solutions available for in-service trains in areas of poor or non-existent GPS. Examples include:

  • Beacon–based positioning
  • Tachometer at axle head
  • Other tachometer solutions e.g. Eddie current or Hall effect sensors
  • Integration with Train Control and Management System (TCMS)
  • Soft Odometer:  Algorithmic solution developed by EKE

Compare SmartVision™ for Track with Other Solutions

 SmartVision™  Track Condition MonitoringMeasurement TrainOptical and Laser Measurement
Data Collection Frequency**********
Suitable for winter conditions with snow & ice***********
Detecting track support and ballast problems************
Detecting track sections causing hunting of trains********
Detecting corrugation on rail surface***********
Response of track to passing train**********
Measuring geometry of track***********
Detecting obstacles around track********

Source: EKE’s internal analysis


Interested in learning more about SmartVision Track Condition Monitoring? Check out our informative videos on YouTube!
